USA History Unit Study

USA History Unit Study

We've just finished a nearly-year-long focus on Dutch history. I was impressed with the range and depth of the Dutch canon of 50 major events, which gave us plenty to explore. From the first monolithic tombs in 3000BC to artists like Rembrandt, from scientists like Christiaan Huygens to the World Wars, and from Van Gogh crafts to heavier subjects like racism- it has been a good history year!

To finish up the school year, I'm planning a 6 week unit study on U.S. History. (As the kids get older we may do a full year on it, and I'm thinking of doing another round of World History in another year or two.) I wasn't able to find the equivalent of the Dutch canon, so instead I looked at broad historical eras in the USA as a backbone. Of the 9-12 most often used, I'm just choosing 6, 1 per week, based on resources and applicability to the age and level of my kids. For example we could focus on the Cold War - but that's not going to work as well as the Revolution era in terms of what's available for elementary and middle grade books and resources. Also, there are some subjects that aren't main eras but have special interest for us, such as the the space program. Since I have family roots in Alabama, we'll include Civil Rights under present day. 

This is my current planning... we'll see what new resources and activities show up along the way!

Our Six Eras:

Native Americans and Early Explorers (c6000BC– 980AD – 1600s)

American Revolution (1765-1783)

Westward Expansion  (1801-1861)

The Civil War (1861-1865)

The World Wars (1914-1945)

Civil rights (1954-1968) and Present Day America (1991- present)

For each era i have a mix of readers, printables, and online resources. I also have a large felt map and a map puzzle that we'll use so we have an overview of the size of the USA and where the different events take place. 

Native Americans and Early Explorers (c6000BC– 980AD – 1600s)

Lessons from Mystery of History about the Mound Builder Native Americans, and William Penn 

Readaloud: "Pedro's Journal"

"Squanto Friend of Pilgrims" which is a simple and hopeful story about Squanto, early colonists, and the Pilgrims. But it also shows honestly the negative effects (sickness, slavery) that some of the early foreign colonists had on the eastern native American tribes. 

Audiobook: "Thanksgiving on a Thursday" (Magic Treehouse)

Readalouds: "Matchlock Gun", especially since we live in the Netherlands and recognize some of the Dutch names and the nursery rhyme from the book. 

There's a fantastic 'Explorers' Notebook' set of materials that I'm using, with extra emphasis on ships and voyages.

Field trip: Visit Leiden, or the Pilgrim Fathers' Church in Rotterdam

American Revolution (1765-1783)  

So many good books for this one!

Planning to read aloud "Phoebe the Spy" and "Tolliver's Journey", possibly "Secret Soldier".  Revolutionary War (Magic Treehouse) as audio book. 

Readers:  "What's the Big Idea Ben Franklin?" for Bloom. "Carry on Mr. Bowditch" and possibly Johnny Tremain as readers for Pippin. 

May watch: Liberty Kids tv series. Parts of "National Treasure". Parts of Hamilton!

Extra ideas: Have a teaparty. 

Westward Expansion (1801-1861)

Lots of books for this one. We'll see how many we get through. 

Read-Alouds:  "Little House in the Big Woods", books on Apaches and Native Americans

Readers: "Wagon Wheels" (Bloom) "Sarah Plain and Tall" (Bloom) "Paul Bunyan" (Bloom)" "Cabin Faced West"  (Pippin)  "Trail of Tears" (Bloom and Pip), "Bonanza Girl" (Pippin) Het Wilde Westen, Ghost town at sundown (Magic Treehouse)

Extra resources: 

Escape Room?


The Civil War (1861-1865)

"Civil War on a Sunday" as an audio book

Readers: "Little Women" for Pippin. "Wright Brothers" for Bloom- (post Civil War events but hugely instrumental in changes to the upcoming World Wars)

Virtual tour: Lincoln Memorial

Civil War Escape Room 


The World Wars (1914-1945) + Space Program?

Readers: "Freckles"and  "Esperanza Rising" (Pippin) 

"Miracles on Maple Hill" (readaloud?)

Space books? 

Virtual tour: Space Center. Normandy Beach. 

Escape room? 


Civil rights (1954-1968) and Present Day America (1991- present)

Readers/Readalouds: "What was the March on Washington?" (both) "The View from Saturday" (Pippin). 

"Cricket in Times Square" (readaloud?)

"Dear Mr Henshaw"

Audiobook: George Washington Carver 

Virtual tour: Civil Rights museums, Statue of Liberty

Craft: Statue of Liberty model building


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