Back again.... February 2013

Funny, the last time I wrote here was during my last vacation. Next week I'm headed off on another - maybe it's something about vacation offering time to muse? There's been plenty of thinking over the last few months, but not as much musing; not as much time or interest in sitting still and reflecting about life.

And a lot has changed in life in the last four months. Since then, I've started moving towards a minimalist lifestyle, doing yoga consistently (while listening to the Bible in audio form - interesting combo), and have eating primarily vegetarian style. Having the time on vacation to think about what I value the most, and then moving to a new city helped me transition into a more purposeful lifestyle, instead of a 'take what you can' one.

I got home from vacay to a new apartment, with our boxes still decorating the rooms after our speedy move. I did felt guilty that my husband had been left with figuring out the last details while I went on vacation, even though it had been planned for months. I was proud that we'd gotten everything packed up and moved so quickly after the perfect apartment became available, though not so proud when it was time to unpack and find places for everything. I was happy that we'd gotten rid of a lot of stuff (mostly hand me downs), but once we arrived, I had to get rid of even more! Our new house is literally half the size of the old one, which I like, but it did make (re)furnishing a challenge. Our living room, for example, is relatively large for a Dutch apartment, but everything that fit in our old living room looks cramped if we stuff it in this one. So minimalism is blossoming and our house is getting emptier and more graceful by the week. 


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