Quiet morning here.

Quiet morning here. Well, except for the power tools that have been used on and off since 9am, ruining my chances of sleeping in a bit. And the banging noises from whatever house is being refurbished. But I have classical piano playing, and my (almost 19 week old) baby is cuddled in my belly, and I have a big mug of Earl Grey tea... so it's all good. Unlike the last two mornings, I didn't have to hurry awake, get dressed, and head out the door, so this is definitely relaxing in comparison. 

It's lovely to have the time to just sit and reflect.... I decided the other day I should start blogging again, especially through this pregnancy. I've been keeping a journal along the way, but there's something nice about adding thoughts to a blog and joining the other (expectant) mothers out there. 

Yesterday I weighed in and am now up to 58.8kg, from a starting weight of 55kg... it's funny to keep track of that just for the record and not because I'm emotionally invested in losing/gaining weight. Unlike a few weeks ago, when I was stressing myself out about having lost weight the first trimester, convinced that I *had* to gain 17+ kg (around 35lbs) for the baby to be healthy. It certainly makes eating less fun when there's no real appetite, just a feeling of guilt and a pressure to put that weight on quickly. Fortunately I found a Mayo clinic article that assured me that a smaller weight gain (11 kg / 22 lbs, or less) was absolutely fine. And then the midwife at the clinic reaffirmed that, and told me to just eat healthy and get enough exercise and not worry about the scale. So now I'm happily back to eating 'normal' (mostly healthy and then some snacks) and not worrying about the weight. 

The other happy thing lately has been feeling the baby move - I know a time will likely come when I wish it would *stop* moving long enough for me to sleep, but for now, it's still very exciting. Next week we have our 20-week checkup and ultrasound, and will get to know the gender. Friends have been asking if we want to find out, and, if so, if we're going to keep it a secret from everyone. I had enough difficulty the first trimester with not telling THE WHOLE WORLD that I was pregnant, so I don't have any problem with telling others once we know. Plus, I'm looking forward to being able to pick out baby names with D.....


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