1 November Me at 5am: You are sleepy, my son. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. 4 November My apologies to all the sleeping neighbors who were awoken by a happily screeching pterodactyl. On the bright side, the early mornings mean extra reading time of books from wonderful pterodactyl aunts.... 7 November Hearthfire on, vanilla latte, cuddlebaby falling asleep on our lap to Trans-Siberian Orchestra. # urbanwinter 11 November My child, do not resist, for such is the way of the world. When thy mother is cold, thee must wear a coat. 13 November A little concerned that when I search 'baby' on the supermarket website, one of the suggestions is "Turkey stuffed with apple and sage." 14 November Me: This would be a great moment for you to take a nap Captai...