Fairtrading Bags

New cotton shopping bag from Lidl! I use these sturdy cotton bags for everything - carrying recyclables to the container, sorting laundry, hiding gifts or food (non transparent!) and of course for groceries. I had been eyeing the new style for a while but already had several of the old cream-colored ones at home. 

Today Pippin and I stopped spontaneously by Lidl on the way back from the park and I got more groceries than could fit in my backpack. Alas, we had to buy a new bag :)

I was impressed to find it has wider seams than the old ones, so it holds more (I could probably carry my one-year-old in it). Besides having a cheerful giraffe-ish print, it's made of FairTrade certified cotton. The Dutch text on the side reads "Choose today, buy Fairtrade". Adequate, but not as inspiring as the French text: " Choose today, buy fairly". It's a good reminder that our choices - even little ones- can help make the world a fairer place.

Sadly for me, the old Lidl bags are still sturdy and going strong, so I'll have to come up with some excuse to buy more of these new bags....


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