July 2020 Photo Recap

Sometimes I feel like writing a blog post about the fun and interesting things that come our way while living in Holland. Sometimes I just feel like dropping a ton of photos into a post so there's at least some sort of recap. (Also sometimes (most of the time) I take so many hundreds of photos that my computer fills up and gets upset at me, which means I really need to get better about clearing them out.)

So, here you are. Alsjeblieft

This is hagelslag (literally, hail-strike), the chocolate sprinkles that Dutch people put on bread. But this particularly kind is so fancy, it's called HAGEL-SWAG. I can't even. 

Soft summer evenings with bike paths up the dike. Beautiful but annoying to bike up. 

Sometimes we do school outside. Because, why not?

Pippin continues creating with pattern blocks. His six-year old explanations of what he has made are not brief, but they are entertaining. 

Our blueberry bushes give us about a handful a week. 

Friends come over for playdates and our printer churns out coloring pages like there's no tomorrow. The boys wanted superheroes and monster trucks.

The girls wanted Nijntje - Miffy the Rabbit. 

Pippin had a summer vacation kickoff party at church, one of the first events since the Corona lockdowns began. I think I was more excited about seeing friends than he was. 

We found swan feathers by the river and tried making our own writing quills. 

I planned to sew garlands but my machine broke. Luckily I could borrow my mother-in-law's vintage machine which had a ton of cool buttons and settings. 

I organized the top of the homeschool cupboard and even labeled boxes. Did it stay this way? No, but it was progress. 

We celebrated Pippin's birthday with crepes 

And Spiderman parties! One for friends and one for family.

I finished the final layers of paint and varnish on my salvaged 'treasure chest'.

Coffee date with an old friend in Rotterdam.

We strolled around Rotterdam and I was surprised by new buildings that had shot up in the last few years.

My mother-in-law and I went on an outing to the plant store - I brought back a chili pepper plant for my husband. 

And that was July, more or less. 


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