Week#1 - 52 Weeks to Simplify Your Life

Week #1 Challenge: Create a list of everything that went “right” in 2011

What energised you?
    Photography! The warmth and photo ops in Spain, a family getaway in the Dutch woods and misty light, a kids' camp in Rotterdam and lots of happy multicultural faces. Dutch festivals in our region  - orange flags and boats with banners and yummy treats!
What made you feel at peace?
   Quiet evenings at home with D or taking walks through the woods with him and enjoying being married. Beautiful music at church and time to reflect. A good friend from PL visiting in December and helping us decorate our house for Christmas in between good talks. The moments of calm and hugs after times of crying about culture shock and isolation.
What positive people lifted you up?
    My family-in-law, with cheek kisses (though they eventually hugged me back :) ) and encouragement that my language learning was coming along and that D's and my house was a comfortable place to visit. Friends at taekwondo, challenging me to keep working hard and improving.
What filled your “tank”?
   Lots of random fun times - getting a Happy Meal at McDonalds during one long bike ride. Having a friend over for coffee, overseas talks, and decorating cupcakes. Walks and talks with D on the sandy dike in the sunshine. Library visits - enjoying Harry Potter and Garfield in Dutch.
What worked to bring your family together?
    Comfortable Sunday afternoons drinking coffee together, a weekend away and Sinterklaas cadeautjes, sharing frustrations and good times. 
What are you grateful for?
     A beautiful wedding, surrounded by people who we care about and who care about us. A lovely apartment with a big sunny balcony, recently downsized into a tiny, cheaper and cosier apartment closer to work and friends. A lot of challenges and learning to appreciate how family sticks with you even when friends are busy or far away. 


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