Harbour Hospital

I'm charmed by this hospital. Since being pregnant and having Pippin, I've been to four hospitals in the area. A few months ago Faramir and I joked that before long we'll have visited every single one, and we're making good progress on that. So far, the Havenziekenhuis is one of my favourites. For one thing, it's relatively small, which seemed to translate to less patients and staff, and less rush overall.

Despite being under construction- or perhaps because of it - the atmosphere was cheerful. The men putting bookshelves together chatted with passing medical staff ("It's certainly not Ikea furniture!"). The receptionists exclaimed over Pippin's photo ID, and then even more when I pulled back his buggy shade so they could get a better look at the real deal. "Ah, so cute! And he was born the day after my grandson!"

The doctor I had the appointment with was professional and friendly, and was willing to dialogue over possible issues and solutions instead of just issuing a professional opinion. He even called in a colleague for a second opinion so we had more information to work with. The receptionists were efficient in registering Pippin and making a follow-up appointment.

As far as downsides of the hospital, one was that some halls and w.c.'s were closed. Navigating the first floor with a baby buggy wasn't as easy as I would have liked. The other was that the entire KNO ('Keel, Neus, Oor'; throat, nose, ear) area was shut while the staff was on lunch break. I was quite early for our apartment anyway, but it would have been nice to be able to sit in the KNO waiting room instead of down the hall.

All in all, a positive hospital experience; I'd give the Havenziekenhuis 4.5 stars.


  1. Is everything okay with your little sack of potatoes?

    1. We just got something checked at the ENT, no big deal :) Thanks!


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