Off to the Office

Today Pippin and I strolled our way down the road, under the bridge, up the hill, and around the corner to my old office. There he was.made a royal fuss over by my friends. Fortunately, it was a slow day at the nonprofit office, but I imagine a busy day wouldn't have mattered much to them anyway. The secretary, I., even answered the door for some clients while holding Pippin, and came back laughing that she had had to explain,"He's not mine! He's a colleague's!"

Since I've only come in on a project basis for the last year or two (and not even that for the last few months) there were a few new faces at the office. I shook hands with the one, as M. proudly explained, "She's been a volunteer here for a long time, but has been pretty occupied the last while...." "I can see why. Congratulations!" Another new face belonged to a male intern, and while he also shook hands politely, I felt sorry for him trying to do his work and use the filing cabinet while discussions about breastfeeding filled the air....

After an hour or so of catching up on news (and taking photos as Pippin was passed around) we exchanged cheek kisses and I headed out the door. Besides an adorable hedgehog outfit from my boss, Pippin and I brought another souvenir home. Three hours later, when D. walked in, Pippin still smelled of exotic perfume, despite the fact I'd changed his clothes and run a wet wipe over hos face and head (twice). But that's a small price to pay for all the smiles and cuddles he got and gave today.


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