September Moments - Posted or No

2 September, 2014
Some days a little person wakes you up from your (short) nap and then insists on finishing his while collapsed on your shoulder like a potato. At these times it's important to remember that the only person who cares if your house is clean is you. Certainly not the potato, and probably not guests, as long as they get to hold the potato.

12 September
Urban babies take the metro. ‪#‎urbanbabies‬ ‪#‎babywearing‬

12 September
Baby asleep on shoulder, warm lamplight, tea, pajamas, and new book with a Ludovico Einaudi soundtrack. Hard to top this for a Friday night....

16 September
New hobby: leaving video messages on skype for family and friends when the little wiggly guy is feeling talkative.

20 September
Expensive cars and blingy clothes are so last year. Want attention? Walk around town with an adorable baby in a carrier. Not enough admiring comments? Bring along a friend with her own adorable baby in a carrier.

21 September
Watching the latest Transformers movie. Which brings up the issue of when dating is allowed. After seeing all the cute girl babies at church this morning, D and I may need to have a talk with our little guy....

23 September
Sometimes when I listen to classical music it gives me the pleasant delusion that my life is a haven of serenity. Today, Grieg and Bach are visiting.

26 September
Just to check - is it only appropriate for a mum to lock herself in the bathroom and eat chocolate when she's crying? Or can she do this randomly on a good day too?


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