Toys for Me... I Mean, for You

The problem with having a six month old baby is you can't really justify buying certain toys for them now.... Like Star Wars Lego sets. Or Christmas countdown trees of boxes to fill with mini-suprises. Or Nativity scenes with little figures.

And yes, I did stand there and try to figure out how long before he could (safely) enjoy them. And whether the fact that they were on sale would help in the justifying process. I finally, regretfully, put the boxes down and managed to leave the store without anything more exciting than ziploc bags and frozen green beans.

On the bright side, Pippin has gotten some fantastic toys for Christmas and his half-birthday. 

Like a Noah's Ark with soft little figures to hug and squeeze.
Like a toolset that he can chew on and we can pretend to saw off toes with.
And a too-cute hedgehog named Chester who rolls up into a pouch and is not prickly at all.
There will be enough time later for Lego and toy food, God willing. We even have a hand-me-down Playmobil castle and a wooden bridges-and-roads set waiting in storage. Until Pippin is old enough, other little visitors can enjoy them. And when he reaches 4 or 5 years old... oh, the fun he and his Mumma will have!


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